Hebe Haven Yacht Club Sailing CentreSTAGE ONEStage 1 is a foundation course tailored for beginners between 7 to 12 years of age. You will learn the basic skills for: rigging, launching and recovery, ropework, clothing and equipment, capsize recovery, sailing techniques and manoeuvers and meteorology. To achieve this, you will spend time learning theory, working on the hardstanding and sailing on the water - obtaining experience with sail trim, steering and handling of your boat. STAGE TWOStage 2 consolidates and expands on Stage 1 aind is aimed at 7 to 12 year olds who have a basic knowledge of sailing. At this stage, you will be encouraged to complete tasks with less supervision and more confidence. In addition to your stage 1 skills, you will be required to learn more complex rules and the Port/Starboard Right of Way rule. STAGE THREEStage 3 will transform you from a beginner to a sailor. You need to be able to sail to the standard of Stage 1 and 2, and must be at least 7 years old. You will complete all points of sailing, and be given plenty of opportunity to consolidate your sailing skills. It is also time to learn some new ones, you you will be taught how to recover a 'man overboard', and will be introduced to racing. STAGE FOURStage 4 is for sailings who are 7 years or over. This course introduces the particiapnt to double-handed sailing with opportunities to crew and helm larger dinghies. You will now learn to set up and sail your boat to suit a variety of weather conditions and will become competent returning to a beach or jetty whatever the wind direction. You will be taught to tie a variety of knots and have knowledge of tidal ebb and flow, synoptic charts and the Beaufort Wind Scale. COURSE DETAILS:Weekend Sailing Scheme: Click Here! Optimist Stage 1 & 2: Click Here! Find out the courses here |