Weekend Youth Sail TrainingThis progressive programme enables young sailors, from 7 years to teenagers, to enjoy structured sailing sessions. Participants will be able to advance in the direction most suited to their abilities; whether they wish to sail socially, achieve certification, be competitive and race, or take on the highly responsible role as an Assistant Instructor.Courses have been tailor made to encompass beginners and improvers, with time spent both afloat and ashore on a variety of dinghies. Each session includes theory, sailing techniques and manoeuvres, and practical knowledge. All participants will be given a logbook in which they record their hours helming and crewing. Sailors who successfully complete each stage will be awarded a HHYC Certificate. STAGE ONE Stage 1 is a foundation course tailored for beginners between 7 to 10 years of age. You will learn the basic skills for: rigging, launching and recovery, ropework, clothing and equipment, capsize recovery, sailing techniques and manoeuvers and meteorology. To achieve this, you will spend time learning theory, working on the hardstanding and sailing on the water - obtaining experience with sail trim, steering and handling of your boat. STAGE TWO Stage 2 consolidates and expands on stage 1 and is aimed at 8 to 11 years old who have a basic knowledge of sailing. At this stage, you will be encouraged to complete tasks with less supervision and more confidence. In addition to your stage 1 skills, you will be required to learn more complex rules and the Port/Starboard Right of Way rule. STAGE THREE Stage 3 will transform you from a beginner to a sailor. You need to be able to sail to the standard of Stage 1 and 2, and must be at least 9 years old. You will complete all points of sailing, and be given plenty of opportunity to consolidate your sailing skills. It is also time to learn some new ones, you will be taught how to recover a "man overboard" and will be introduced to racing. COURSE DETAILS Age: 7+ years of age Structure : 10am - 5pm (full day)Youth Saturday Sailing From September 4th onwards, we will be reverting back to Saturday Sailing only for Training our Youth Dinghy Sailors at the Club. Please be advised that the Saturday Sailing Scheme is now focusing on Stage 2 sailors and upwards, as part of our Clubs Youth Development plans. All Learn to Sail Stage 1 courses & Multi Activity Weeks will take place in school holiday times only from now on. Students signing up for Saturday courses will automatically be placed onto the waiting list until early of August when the confirmed list of students is decided. Members will of course have priority bookings as well. Thank you for understanding. Hebe Sailing Management SATURDAY SAILING For further information email sailbookings@hhyc.org.hk Find out the courses here |