A person who is not normally resident in Hong Kong and who is eligible for Senior Associate Membership may be admitted as a Temporary or Visiting Yachtsman Member in accordance with Article 3.5 and Section 8 of the Bye-Laws. Hebe Haven Yacht Club welcomes visiting yachtsmen and members of other overseas yacht or boat clubs. Such visitors are categorized as follows: - VISITING YACHTSMAN (More Details)
VISITING YACHTSMAN A Visiting Yachtsman is a person not normally resident in Hong Kong who arrives in Hong Kong on board a private yacht (sail or power) and who is skipper of the yacht. Membership is available for a period of up to six months. Subscription and mooring fees for six months are payable in advance. If the Visiting Yachtsman departs from Hong Kong within the six months period, a refund on a whole month (rounded down) basis will be made. Extension of a Visiting Yachtsman's membership beyond six months will only be considered on written application to the General Committee and is only likely to be granted in exceptional circumstances. HONORARY VISITOR Use of all facilities is available to a person normally resident abroad belonging to an overseas club with which the Club has reciprocal rights. Such a person may be accepted as an Honorary Visitor without payment of either a nomination fee or monthly subscription. Any rental fees (e.g. mooring or hardstanding) are to be paid monthly in advance and at the same rates as for a Full Member. Membership will be valid for a maximum of three months in any twelve months period. ORDINARY VISITOR An Ordinary Visitor is a person normally resident abroad who belongs to an overseas yacht club with which HHYC has no reciprocal rights. The arrangements will be the same as for an Honorary Visitor, except that the period of membership shall be for a maximum of six weeks in any period of twelve months. APPLICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY MEMBERSHIP Onus rests on the applicant to satisfy the requirements of the General Committee that the applicant is entitled to the status of Temporary Member in the category claimed. An application form duly completed and signed by a proposer and seconder shall be returned to the General Manager with the appropriate fees. GUESTS Temporary Members are permitted to invite guests to the Club. Such invitations must comply with the Rules of the Club, a copy of which is available in the Club office. APPLICATION Applicants who wish to apply for Temporary Membership should contact the Club, preferentially by e-mail, before arriving at the Club. |