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Club history site- Welcome



Welcome to the Club history website and what we hope is the beginning of an exciting project aiming to bring our history to life.
On this site you will find previous Anniversary publications and three Timelines used to collate and display key moments in the history of the Club.
You can scroll along these to view events in the Club’s history. They are currently in Draft and are intended to help gather more information from our members. The timelines are split into four subjects- Club development, Sailing, the Sail Training Centre and Sailabilty.
We hope to bring the highlights of each of these timelines on a “History Wall” display at the Club in time for our 60th Anniversary on 7th June 2023.

Hebe Jebes appeal.

Visitors to the Club Website will know that we keep back copies our Club magazine Hebe Jebes going back to September/ October Issue 2007.
We are keen to locate as many issues before that date as we can. If you have old copies, please let us know which issues we have and together we will endeavor to complete our library. If you have copies of the Hebe Jebes before 2007, just let us know the issue dates and we will arrange the rest.

Would you like to help?

The information captured on the timelines is only a summary of a growing collection of letters, photographs and personal recollections which make up our History Archives. If you read through the PDFs below you may be able to spot an error or omission which you can help us with.
Also included is a register of "Hebe Boats" - if yours isn't there, please drop us a line with the details.

Contact Us at hebehistory@hhyc.org.hk

Please visit https://hebehaven23.wixsite.com/history for more.


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